"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." -- Mark Twain
For most entry-level positions, employers require a job application to be completed prior to interviewing an applicant. This is the first opportunity to impress the hiring manager. We encourage youth to follow the Job Application Overview document and complete a Master Application prior to looking for work. Once the master application is complete, the youth can use this as a reference for all the jobs that they apply for in the future. Additionally, some employers may actually accept this sample job application in place of their standard application.
A resume is a personal marketing flier. The resume provides an opportunity for the job applicant to demonstrate how their skills and abilities make them the best candidate for the position listed. The ideal resume should be one page, specific to the job, and with no typos or grammatical errors. The Resume Worksheet is an easy tool to use to jot down all the desired and relevant information. The Resume Tips document will help you create an impressive and professional resume.
It is important to be strategic on how to approach a potential employer. Please emphasize that if there is a job available, this means that the business has more work than they can manage. In other words, they are busy! Businesses hire additional employees because they need help to make things run smoother. The worksheet labeled Approaching Employers provides ideas about the best time to approach an employer and how to present oneself.
One of the most overwhelming aspects of the job search process is often the interview phase. The document labeled Interview Preparation should be used to understand the professional expectations of a business. In addition, use the document labeled Interview Questions to best understand how to respond to the questions that most likely will come up during an interview. We suggest that the youth participant write down their answers to the questions and then work with an adult to conduct a practice/mock interview. It is important to understand that honest, specific feedback may be what is needed to help move the youth participant to the top of the hiring list.
One of the most forgotten, yet simplest steps in the job search process is the thank you note. It is strongly suggested that after every interview a thank you note is sent within 2-3 days. The thank you note will leave a lasting impression of professionalism on the interviewer. It can also be a good reminder that the individual is interested in the job. See attached document labeled Thank You Note for a simple outline of what should be included. If you follow this guide, this step should take just a few minutes to complete.

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